Viewing Motion Clips in the Blink app

What is the Clip List?

We designed the Clip List in the Blink app for easy access and control over your camera’s motion clips. From here, you can effortlessly view, share, delete and mark clips as viewed. With filtering options, you can refine the Clip List to display only the motion events or cameras whose clips you wish to view.

You can save motion recordings when:

  1. You have a Blink Subscription Plan or trial or you’re using Local Storage with Sync Module 2 with an inserted USB flash drive.
  2. Your camera(s) starts recording motion clips after your Blink system is armed and Motion Detection is On.
  1. From the Home screen, tap Clips in the bottom navigation bar.
  2. Tap a clip to play it.

Event Types

Event Type labels help you quickly identify the type of event associated with each clip before viewing it.

Label Description
Clips created from a motion event
Clips created from Person Detection* events
Clips created from Blink Video Doorbell presses
Clips created from Live View sessions
Clips created from Photo Capture**

*Blink Subscription Plan or trial includes Person Detection. Applies only to Blink Outdoor 4 and Wired Floodlight Camera.
**Blink Subscription Plan or trial includes Photo Capture. Applies only to Blink Outdoor 4, Indoor and Outdoor (3rd Gen) cameras and Video Doorbell.

Marking clips as viewed

Unwatched clips have an orange dot  next to their timestamp. To remove the orange dot and mark the clips as viewed without watching them:

  1. From the Clip List, tap Edit in the upper-right corner.
  2. Select the clips you want to mark as viewed.
    • Tap Select All to choose all clips.
  3. Tap Mark viewed in the lower-right corner.
    • If you have more than 1,000 clips, a prompt will appear. Tap Mark Selected Clips Viewed

Note: Only the first 1,000 unviewed selected items will be marked as viewed. To mark additional items, scroll to the bottom of the Clip List to load the next 1,000 items.

Switching Between Storage Types

The storage switcher allows you to toggle between different storage types, such as Local and Cloud storage. If you are using multiple storage options, the drop-down arrow allows you to choose and view clips for the selected storage type. 

Depending on your storage option, your motion clips are viewed in either Cloud Storage or Local Storage:

  • Cloud Storage - Cloud storage of motion clips begin when you have a Blink Subscription Plan or you're enjoying a 30-day free Subscription Plus Plan trial. Once clips are saved to Cloud storage, they are viewable in the Blink app by selecting this tab.
    • If you are subscribing to a Blink Subscription Plan, you will see an icon with an infinity symbol Unlimited Cloud Storage Icon indicating that you have unlimited storage capacity.
    • If you have a legacy Blink device with complimentary Cloud storage, the icon Local Storage Icon changes to indicate how much of your storage capacity is left.
  • Local Storage - Each Local storage drive is labeled by the system it is attached to. Once clips are saved to Local storage, they are viewable in the Blink app by selecting it from the Storage Switcher menu.
    • The Storage Switcher lists all the storage options in your entire Blink home. If you own multiple Sync Modules, each with USB flash drives being used with Local storage, they are all listed in the Storage Switcher.
    • Learn more about Local Storage with the Sync Module 2.

Applying Filters to the Clip List

Filters can only be applied to clips stored in Cloud Storage, which require a Blink Subscription Plan, trial or accounts created before 16 April 2020.

Filters help you easily find specific clips by event type, device or both.

The filter icon, located in the lower-right corner of the Clip List, changes its appearance to help you easily identify whether a filter has been applied.

Icon Status Description
Blue Moments Icon No filters applied The Clip List shows all available clips with no filters applied.
Grey Moments Icon Filters applied The Clip List only shows clips that match the selected filters.

To apply a filter to the Clip List:

  1. Tap the Filter icon Blue Moments Icon.
  2. Select the desired event types and cameras to filter by.
  3. Tap Apply Filters.

To clear filters from the Clip List:

  1. Tap the Filter icon Grey Moments Icon.
  2. Tap Clear Filters.
  3. Tap Apply Filters.

Filters automatically clear when:

  1. You sign out of the Blink app.
  2. You force quit the Blink app through your mobile device’s app switcher or task manager.

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