Une caméra ne répond pas

Si l'une de vos caméras Blink ne répond pas, vous pouvez voir des messages d'erreur tels que « Caméra occupée » ou « Échec de la vignette ».

Ces messages peuvent apparaître si votre Sync Module n'est pas en mesure de communiquer avec la caméra.

Les étapes suivantes peuvent également aider à résoudre ce problème.

  1. Rapprochez votre caméra de votre Sync Module . Assurez-vous également que vous disposez de 3 barres de force du signal pour le module Caméra vers Wi-Fi et Caméra vers Sync Module (voir « Où trouver la force du signal dans l' Blink app » ci-dessous).
  2. Redémarrez votre modem et votre routeur en les débranchant pendant 30 secondes, puis en les rebranchant. Attendez ensuite deux minutes que le service Internet soit restauré, puis réessayez d'utiliser votre caméra.
  3. Redémarrez votre appareil photo en retirant les piles pendant 10 secondes, puis réinsérez-les. Vérifiez ensuite si votre caméra répond aux commandes.
  4. Si les étapes ci-dessus ne résolvent pas le problème, essayez une autre source d'alimentation. Vous pouvez utiliser un câble micro USB et un adaptateur secteur USB pour alimenter l'appareil photo avec les piles retirées.

Comment résoudre les problèmes de connectivité

camera_connectivity_issues The Blink system relies on having good signal strengths for optimal performance i...

The Blink system relies on having good signal strengths for optimal performance in viewing Live Views, uploading motion clips and for best video quality. It is critical for the cameras to show 3 bars of connectivity to avoid performance issues.

Fewer than 3 bars for each connection can create intermittent issues with the performance of your system. 

In case of any camera issues on a mesh network, rebooting the router should be a first step.

Assuming standard construction techniques (single building, no unusually dense construction materials) the Sync Module should be able to communicate with Blink cameras up to 100 feet (33m) away in any direction. We recommend keeping the Sync Module near your wireless router for best signal strength. 

See the section below to learn about signal strengths and how to check them. You should have three bars of signal connectivity at the Sync Module and each camera, as depicted on the Sync Module screen in the Blink app.

Where to find signal strength in the Blink app

Tap the More buttonsettings icon at the bottom right of the device's thumbnail image and select Device Settings. Then tap General Settings.

You will see a Network section. Depending on the type of camera you have, this section can contain:

  • Change Wi-Fi
    • Tapping this allows you to change your device's existing Wi-Fi connection. Use this if you have installed a new router for your network or want to change access points for your devices.
  • Connection to Wi-Fi
    • The icon here represents the strength of your Wi-Fi connection to the camera.
  • Connection to Sync Module 
    • The icon represents the connection strength between your camera and the Sync Module. To view the connection strength between the Sync Module and your Wi-Fi network, refer to the Sync Module Status screen.

Signal types

Its important to note that the cameras use two types of signals for communication:

  • LFR - Low Frequency Radio - is the signal that cameras share with the Sync Module.
  • Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz) - is the frequency that the cameras communicate with your Wi-Fi router on. Blink supports mesh and merged networks with a single SSID but only communicates on the 2.4 GHz band.

How to boost internet signal

One solution, other than moving the camera closer to the Wi-Fi router, is to install a Wi-Fi extender or booster. A newer, more effective solution is called mesh Wi-Fi.

  • Extenders
    A Wi-Fi extender repeats the wireless signal from your router to expand its coverage. Extenders function as a bridge to capture the Wi-Fi from your router and rebroadcast it to areas where the Wi-Fi is weak or nonexistent. This improves the overall Wi-Fi performance and signal strength for all connected devices within range. Learn more about using extenders with Blink cameras.
  • Mesh Wi-Fi
    Mesh networks eliminate connectivity dead zones by blanketing your home in Wi-Fi. They work by allowing different types of devices to chain off each other as nodes in a network, each broadcasting the radio signal further than the last. The typical mesh network includes several nodes, which act like satellites for your network. One of these nodes is a gateway and connects to the internet through your modem. The other nodes communicate to each other and will expand your wireless coverage every time you add a new node. Rather than communicating with a single access point (like a traditional network), each node of a mesh network communicates with the others. This distributes the overall signal strength and Wi-Fi coverage throughout an area.

Troubleshooting your connection

If your connections to either your Wi-Fi or Sync Module are below 2 bars or less, attempt the following troubleshooting steps.

  1. Device placement
    • Move the device closer to the Wi-Fi router and tap Pull to Refresh to check if the bars increase. Repeat until you see improved signal strength.
  2. Check your internet
    • If you haven't already, attempt a power cycle of the Wi-Fi router.
    • Check that your 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network is functioning normally and that the internet is available.
    • Check that the Wi-Fi network speed is not being reduced by streaming movies and games, or other high bandwidth activities. Two Megabit per second (2 Mb/sec) upload speed (going from your location) must be available to the Blink system at all times. Test your connection by temporarily suspending any streaming of music, movies, video or gaming to prevent consumption of bandwidth.
    • If your Wi-Fi password or network has changed, the Blink system will not function correctly until you update the settings.
  3. Check that the outlet provides power
    • To confirm that power is present to the wall outlet, you can try plugging in a different device or appliance.
    • Some outlets are controlled by a wall switch, check to see if this applies to your outlet.
    • If the wall outlet is not providing power, you can try a different outlet.
    • It is also possible that a circuit breaker has tripped, so you may want to check your electrical distribution panel.
  4. Check that the wall charger provides power
    • If your outlet has power and the camera is not getting power, try to use a different wall charger.
    • Any standard 5 volt USB wall charger should work. 5 volt USB phone chargers are commonly available.
  5. Check the cable
    • It is possible that the USB cable became damaged from being bumped into. The damage may not be visible from outside.
    • You can try the camera's power cable with another device to see if power is present.
    • You can also try to use another USB Type A male, to micro-USB Type B male or USB-C cable. These are commonly used for charging phones and other devices.

Si vous continuez à rencontrer des problèmes, veuillez contacter le support technique pour vous aider davantage.

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